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Categorie: Photography

A blogger’s ode to love

Maybe one needs to be in love to see love… Fashion-bloggers couple Scott ‘The Sartorialist‘ Schuman and Garance Doré teamed up to shoot a campaign for Tiffany & Co, and captured the essence of -exactly- LOVE. Perfect timing with Valentine’s day less than a month away.

Instagram filters were used to give the images an extra heart-warming effect. Something we’re really into ourselves lately. Thumbs up and double LOVE for Scott and Garance!


Ghostly images

Digitalista E has something with ghosts. If she wasn’t a journalist, she’d probably be working as some kind of ghost hunter (for real!). Even if she’s hasn’t seen any ghosts wandering around yet (pretty boring) she can create them easily for herself.

Find out how you can create ghostly images by two simple functions on your camera and Photoshop.
