Maand: maart 2014

maart 31, 2014 / / Beauty

benefit_pore-2As temperatures start to (finally!) heat up outside, it also means the return of the dreaded warm weather sweat. In warm spring and summer months, oil production increases tenfold thanks to heat, sunscreen and humidity, which push the sebaceous glands into overdrive. Luckily, I’m heading into this summer equipped with Benefit Cosmetic’s POREfessional PRO Balm and Agent Zero Shine.

maart 31, 2014 / / Inspiration
maart 30, 2014 / / Beauty
maart 29, 2014 / / Inspiration

SweetSaturdaySounds_matt-corbyThere’s quite some hot…errr, nice stuff coming from Down Under. Ok, reading that sentence back shows an interesting choice of words, but hey, who doesn’t want to hear a good looking guy singing to them on a warm and sunny Saturday morning?

maart 28, 2014 / / Art & Design
maart 28, 2014 / / Beauty

Benefit_potent_1Are eye creams really necessary? The short answer is yes. Your eyes are generally the first part of your face to show signs of ageing and stress, because the skin is thinner than the rest of your face and doesn’t have oil glands to help keep it moist. Plus, the skin around your eyes gets quite the workout on a day-to-day basis, every time you smile, squint or wipe your eyes.

maart 28, 2014 / / Fashion
maart 27, 2014 / / Food
maart 26, 2014 / / Beauty

photo 2“Healthy hair begins when it’s free from stress.” The brand philosophy of Original & Mineral hair care is based on recusing chemical overload on hair – they’ve remove harsh ingredients and replaced them with natural extracts with active minerals, sourced from across Australia.

maart 26, 2014 / / Fashion

WWA_26mrt_Sas_1Sacha took out the leopard print today! A nice contrast with her blue high waist blue skinny jeans and black top. The only thing missing was Katy Perry’s ‘Roarrr’ as a background tune.