Tag: Dutch label

oktober 21, 2014 / / Best Budget Buy

Nola.Nova6Every girl needs a party t-shirt, and with ADE last week I’ve pulled out mine. Being more of a jeans and tee kinda girl -even when going out- I like my tees to have some attitude. And that’s exactly where Nola.Nova stands for.

september 30, 2014 / / Best Budget Buy
augustus 19, 2014 / / Best Budget Buy

mae-ivy-tas-met-fringesBig city life can be a tad hectic, as we all know. Imagine going out the door in the morning; juggling work, lunch appointments and your social life. While we were on the hunt for the perfect it-bag to drag along to all of the things on our to-do-list, we casually bumped in to the upcoming brand Mae & Ivy.