Column: Coming of Age

imageHi there! my name is Yaela and I’m a workaholic, a mom, a marketer and a perverted lover of all things hospitality. Fortunately I get to combine most of the above in my marketing agency Typhoon Hospitality. Every month I share a glimpse into my often chaotic, unglamorous and insane life with you. Buckle up y’all, it’s going to be a bumpy ride…. 

I’m getting old. I really am. I’ve only recently discovered this. Which by its self is quite curious. After all, I didn’t suddenly get much older. As we all know it’s a pretty standard and gradual process. To be expected, unavoidable even. So why the sudden shock value?

I blame mr. Zuckerberg and the whole gang of tech start-up that have followed him. I blame whoever thought it would be fun to send messages to each other that suddenly disappear. I blame the person who made Vyne into a digital tool instead of my favorite Amsterdam wine bar. I even blame the damn bird in the Twitter logo. Truth is, I can’t keep up. And as a marketer, that’s unfortunate. Maybe even unacceptable.

There is so much going on, so much being said, shared, tweeted and retweeded. So many platforms, tools, notifications and passwords (oh boy, don’t get me started on those damn passwords!) And as great as all this sharing is. As much as I realize this can be a great opportunity for my industry. I can’t help but feel a bit…well…old.

Am I so weird for wanting to switch off once in a while? For wanting to connect with my friends over a great meal, a bottle of wine or a cocktail or two? So…I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that maybe, just maybe, you guys sometimes also feel this way. Just in case, have a look at the pictures below for my favorite ‘real’ ways to re-connect with reality. #noideawhatthepointofhtesehashtagsare #yaelaout


PHOTO 1(feature image): The one and only Vyne for me

imagefuzPHOTO 2 (above): Recently opened Frites uit Zuys bring southern hospitality and fries to Amsterdam. A dream come true!

PHOTO 3: There’s nothing better than catching up with friends over a delicious MOMO bento box.

PHOTO 4: For a real night out with friends I recommend the Supperclub cocktailnight. Nothing says quality time like chilling on a giant bed and enjoying great food paired with cocktails by legend Tess Posthumus.

PHOTO 5: Why not pop-in at the Imagin pop-up bar by Bombay Sapphire and Fever tree?

PHOTO 6: Sometimes you just need to blow off some steam with your colleagues. Amsterdam Afterwork by Heineken combines the best afterwork drinks with the best places and the best people. Sign up via

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Owner | Founder | Executive Editor The | Lifestyle Journalist |Digital Nomad | Foodie | Vive la Fête | Current mental condition: either the crave to hibernate or a severe case of wanderlust

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