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GLAM GLOW Super Mud Clearing Treatment

photo 5Lately I’ve been getting a lot of comments on my glowing skin – and everyone wants to know my secret. I’m so addicted to this product that I’m not hiding it from anyone; the cause for my glow is GLAM GLOW.

The original GLAM GLOW mask was created by 2010 by Americans Glenn and Shannon Dellimore from Los Angeles, California. The duo were entertaining some guests one night, when an actor friend commented that he couldn’t find a product to make skin instantly camera-ready. The Dellimores discussed the matter and also couldn’t find a skincare product to give skin a visible lift and reduce pores in just a few minutes. So, they took matters into their own hands, invested $80 into ingredients, and started experimenting.

The result is GLAM GLOW, which has quickly become a cult favourite for Hollywood insiders … and around the world. It’s available in over 84 countries and in 6,000 stores!photo 4

I’ve been using the Supermud Clearing Treatment and am amazed by the results it gives my skin – it’s clearer, brighter and visibly glowing. The formula uses a mix of ingredients, from eucalyptus leaf to clay, which work to magically improve skin within minutes.

The mask can be used over your entire face or as a spot treatment on pimples, to help minimize them before they become noticeable.

All you need is a very thin layer, applied to skin for five to 20 minutes (perfect when you’re in a hurry!) One canister lasts for roughly 17 masks or 1000 spot treatments!

GLAM GLOW is now available at Douglas stores with all its varities: Youthmud, Supermud, Thirstymud and Brightmud.

Text: Lydia Parafianowicz

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