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Lip Love

On my recent trip to Italy, my new Murad lip gloss was a life-saver!

I was super concerned about getting a sunburn on my lips, so I picked up Murad’s Energizing Pomegranate Lip Protector SPF 15 gloss before heading to the sun.

In addition to its SPF formula, the gloss also worked to hydrate my lips (which was much needed in 36C heat and after swimming in salt water). It also didn’t get sticky or gooey, even in the extreme heat. But best of all was its scent, which to me smelled like a fresh field of ripe raspberries and pomegranates – so unbelievably yummy I had to remind myself I couldn’t eat it!

Murad’s pomegranate collection is complete with a cleanser, pore-refining gel, exfoliating mask, moisturizer and eye gel. I can’t wait to get my hands on these … if the lip gloss is any indication, they will smell absolutely amazing and work to nourish and hydrate my skin.

Find more info in here

Text: Lydia Parafianowicz

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