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So digitalistic: these fashion dolls


Meet the Kouklitas


We love dolls. Especially Barbie is our old time favorite. But we also like the Karl Lagerfeld Spongebob puppet and the fashionable Liberty dolls. New in the doll house: these haute fashion puppets called The Kouklitas.

The dolls are created by Dennis Basso and they’re so special because they all wear designer items from the spring summer collection 2010 of Proenza Schouler, Lanvin, Marc Jacobs, Gareth Pugh and many others. Ain’t that wonderful? These puppets are especially made for an issue of The Block Magazine, but will be for sale very soon. Just for the price of $600! But if you want your own created doll, Dennis can custom made it for you.

Left: Marc Jacobs. Middle: Lanvin. Right: Proenza Schouler


How digitalistic!

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