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Soon available: Louboutin Barbie!

The first Louboutin barbie!

Here she is: the first of three Louboutin Barbies. Wouldn’t you just go back in time and play with your Barbies again? Sigh…it’s a girl thing. Barbie made us become the fashionistas we are today. And now she’s wearing Louboutins before we do??

It gets even better; she can choose from 4 (!) pairs of Louboutin!!! (complete with miniature shoe-boxes and cloth shoe bags) The Barbie, dressed in a sexy black catsuit, of which only 2400 are available worldwide, can be purchased this month at Net-a-Porter and for €112,-

The doll comes in a Louboutin shoe-box, along with a calendar entitled ‘Une Année a Paris’ (A year in Paris, TD) featuring Mr Louboutin and his muse on several of his favorite Parisian hotspots.

Louboutin and his muse as naughty thiefs
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