Summer, summer, summertime!

Coral Flamingo watch from Triwa Miami Deco collection

Since the moment Triwa Watches were introduced in the Netherland, they’re one big hit! Every self-respected fashionista loves the pretty colors, the childish plastic bracelet often mixed with an little ‘ordinary’ golden time plate.  The prices are really oké, so it’s not that you have to save for months or even years! No, you can just go to the store, see all the candy and pick one, or two, or three. Every season Triwa comes up with some new colors, prints and inspirations. This time it’s Miami, baby! Digitalista. M. immediately fell in love with the one named ‘Coral Flamingo’! “Because this watch matches perfect with her favorite lipstick for this summer Chanel Rouge Allure Génial….”, she said. Yes, Coral-like as well. We even think she found her ‘new it-color’!

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  1. augustus 7, 2010

    I like this site though you could make use of additional video clips kind of just like they do on hotair

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