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Digitalistic hotel: Galata Antique Istanbul

No use of bright colours but only black, white, greys and beige. The authentic building of the Galata Antique is just the outer part, but when you set foot inside a comfortable and elegant interior will welcome you for a wonderful stay.

The Galata Antique Boutique hotel in Istanbul -a former early 19th century mansion built as a winter residence for a French levantine family- was redesigned and decorated by architecture & design Bureau 212.

The 5-storey building offers 22 rooms -from standard rooms to suites- and is located in Tunel, a famous bohemian and lively neighbourhood, with all the best restaurants, bars and cafes at the doorstep. Breakfast as well as late afternoon drinks can be enjoyed on the roof terrace with a fantastic view over the city.

More info and reservations here.


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