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L’Oreal Texture Expert Smooth Essence

Is the damp Dutch weather getting your hair in a frizz? L’Oreal’s Texture Expert Smooth Essence protecting cream will not only smooth your hair, but it will protect it from processing and heat.

The cream, which is packed with vitamin E Acetate to enrich your locks, smells great and spreads easily. Rub in your palms and apply to clean, towel-dried hair (just a small amount will go a long way). After spreading through your hair, you can blow-dry or style as usual.

The anti-frizz formula won’t weight down your hair, leaving it shiny and smooth. Voila! One easy product and your hair will be as good as new.

Available at select salons and L’Oreal distributors, see the website for details.

Text: Lydia Parafianowicz

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