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Strawberry daiquiri ice cream

Watch out! You might get drunk!

Guys, what about this? “Silver Moon, is ice cream for grown-ups. We’ve taken two after dinner favorites – dessert and liqueur – and combined them to create truly unique and luscious ice creams and sorbets.”

Well,  so booze infused ice cream. We think is cool (literally) , but also a little sad at the same time. Why can’t we be little girls when we’re sitting in our pj’s on the couch with a big bucket of strawberry, chocolate, and caramel ice cream? Without any alcohol. Just the sweetness is enough for a lazy Sunday afternoon. But on the other side….ice cream named after  our favorite cocktails like strawberry daiquiri and Pomegranate Martini  isn’t a punishment either. And the packaging looks very sweet as well.  What do you think: hot or cold?

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