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Catch of the day: Limited Edition Zoe & Morgan

Zoe & Morgan limited edition tee
Zoe & Morgan limited edition tee
Silver necklace
Silver necklace
Gold necklace
Gold necklace

October still has two weeks to go, so if you want to support a good cause, now is the time! This month is Breastcancer Awareness Month, and especially for this very important cause accessory-brand Zoe & Morgan joined forces with My

They launched a set of limited edition tees and necklaces to support the UK’s leading breastcancer charity: Breakthrough Breastcancer. 20% of every sale will be donated to this charity.

We always support great initiatives like this, because it’s a win-win situation: you purchase something you like, and you support an important cause at the same time!

The three piece range includes a delicate necklace with a silhouette of a mask, which is available in both gold and silver. Featuring a single pink sapphire fitted into the chain, it’s an ideal gift or a treat for oneself. Finally, in Zoe & Morgan’s first foray into ready-to-wear, a simple white tee with a stunning illustration of a ‘Lion Heart Girl’ representing the ‘brave’ has been exclusively created for the collection.

The t-shirt costs €55,20, the silver necklace is €129,60 en the gold necklace is €150,-

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