Tag: webshop

februari 9, 2017 / / ALLE ARTIKELEN
november 18, 2014 / / Fashion
juli 9, 2013 / / Uncategorized
januari 1, 2013 / / Fashion
september 19, 2012 / / Fashion
september 1, 2012 / / Fashion
augustus 22, 2012 / / Fashion
augustus 8, 2012 / / Fashion

Even though our closets are filled with clothes and accessories, there’s always room for more. To get an understanding of our specific styles and sense of fashion, next to some outfit posts, we present you our Editor’s wishlist.

juli 20, 2012 / / Fashion
juli 18, 2012 / / Fashion

Even though our closets are filled with clothes and accessories, there’s always room for more. To get an understanding of our specific styles and sense of fashion, next to some outfit posts, we present you our Editor’s wishlist. This week it’s Digi E’s turn to select some of her most wanted items.