Tag: sustainable

januari 4, 2019 / / ALLE ARTIKELEN
december 30, 2014 / / Dutch Fashion Scene
oktober 23, 2014 / / Europe
januari 30, 2014 / / In the NOW
januari 16, 2014 / / Events

EARTHtea3You might have noticed that we’ve added a new category in the main menu (the last one on the right): In the NOW. This is the place for everything you should know about. Today. NOW. From fresh or must-know labels, to new products, to emerging trends.

december 11, 2013 / / Art & Design
april 13, 2013 / / Fashion

vanessa-paradis-hm-conscious-collection-2013On April 4, a panel discussion about sustainability was hosted at the Vogue headquarters in New York. Sponsored by H&M, this conscious talk gathered a group of knowledgeable individuals from across the sustainable fashion sector.

maart 23, 2013 / / Europe
oktober 29, 2012 / / Fashion
maart 15, 2012 / / Fashion