Tag: dress up

september 8, 2014 / / Events

Valtifest_2014_1Oh what a blast it was again! Valtifest was a colorful cacophony of costumes and original outfits in the the 7 sins theme. Some well executed, some less. Our compilation of photos will let you be the judge of that.

augustus 25, 2014 / / Fashion
augustus 25, 2014 / / Events
januari 23, 2013 / / Fashion
januari 1, 2013 / / Fashion
december 31, 2012 / / Inspiration
augustus 15, 2012 / / Fashion
maart 1, 2012 / / Fashion
februari 9, 2012 / / Fashion

Unlike other people, I (Digi K) never really cared for Valentine. Maybe because my ex-boyfriend wasn’t a romantic at heart. And, in my opinion, it is also a commercially exploited day where the meaning of love is hard to find. But still I secretly hope for some secret admirer to send me a poem, written by himself. You can find some other stuff I wish for in my wishlist.