Tag: Amsterdam International Fashion Week

januari 31, 2012 / / Photography
januari 26, 2012 / / Fashion

Everyone’s invited for the 3 day exposition of Dutch designer Ilja Visser starting today. See you there?

januari 11, 2012 / / Beauty
juli 27, 2011 / / Fashion News
Dutch designer Bas Kosters is also collaborating with Zeeman

We believe that style has nothing to do with brands. And Zeeman thinks the same. Holland’s most cheapest store ever stunted during the Dutch Fashion Week by making people believe that some designer called ‘Frank’ debuted his ‘amazing collection for women’. The Dutch fashion in crowd was curious: who is that guy?!? And does he really make gorgeous clothes.

juli 16, 2011 / / Fashion News

Pauline van Dongen with her designs

Dutch designer Pauline van Dongen debuted at the Amsterdam International Fashion Week (AIFW) with her amazing collection Kinetic Landscapes. A collection that’s all about the effect of wind and water to nature. The Digitalistas spoke to her backstage after the show at the Westergas area in Amsterdam.

Indo power rules!

Blogger Commedesleroi (in the middle) couldn’t stop photographing a few ‘peanuts’ (Indonesian people) at Amsterdam International Fashion Week, including Digitalista E (at the right).

januari 30, 2011 / / Dutch Fashion Scene
januari 30, 2011 / / Dutch Fashion Scene
januari 30, 2011 / / Dutch Fashion Scene