Tag: Amsterdam Fashion Week

januari 27, 2014 / / Dutch Fashion Scene

_PSL6468Sunday night at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Amsterdam I witnessed a quite amazing fashion show by Winde Rienstra. The collection is inspired by her place of birth: Fryslân. Handmade design and pure fabrics were shown during this magical moment

januari 29, 2013 / / Dutch Fashion Scene
januari 21, 2013 / / Fashion
juli 25, 2012 / / Beauty
A design from the winner of Lichting 2012 © Peter Stigter

The Amsterdam Fashion Week is a wrap, and even though we’ve attended just a few shows -four to be exact- let’s share what we can call our AFW shortcut.

januari 28, 2010 / / Dutch Fashion Scene
juli 29, 2009 / / Uncategorized


© PIXINdigital

Italian jeanslabel Replay has a new Creative Director, Gigi Vezzola, who wants to make wearing jeans a glamourous happening. So he put some airy dresses with sequins in the collection. Along with the wavy, curly hairdo’s of the models, we would almost forget about the jeans….

Dutch fashionshop shopVIP.com is looking for Miss Shopvip.  A cool girl with a great sense of style and a good eye for recession-chic outfits. Last week, more than 100 girls tried to get a place in the grande finale during Amsterdam Fashion Week. It was a  funny and hysterical audition-day with Bastiaan van Schaik as supportive leader…