Categorie: Netherlands

juli 8, 2017 / / ALLE ARTIKELEN
juni 30, 2017 / / ALLE ARTIKELEN
maart 24, 2017 / / ALLE ARTIKELEN
februari 24, 2016 / / ALLE ARTIKELEN
april 10, 2015 / / Hotspots
oktober 1, 2014 / / Dutch Fashion Scene

maastricht_1People who live in Amsterdam have the habit of thinking ‘everything happens in Amsterdam’. Well folks, last weekend proved me wrong. Stijl Maastricht invited The Digitalistas to visit their fashion show and to experience a true Burgundian night in the beautiful city Maastricht. Without a doubt, this event was happening!

maart 15, 2014 / / Hotspots

The tagline of the newest Nhow hotel in Rotterdam is ‘Elevate your stay’. We were ‘elevated’ for sure, with probably the best view one could have from the city. As…

maart 13, 2014 / / Food
februari 13, 2013 / / Culture
december 8, 2012 / / Amsterdam