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Tavi, Oprah and Australia

Just a little thought…

The world is going mad.Or let’s say: Tavi and Oprah are going mad. Tavi said NO to Oprah. She is crazy. But on the other hand: I’m getting a litte tired of all the Tavi-mania (hello, I  already wrote about her 2 years ago! Give me some new kid to play with!). So I think Oprah is a little mad to ask Tavi for her show as well. Ow, and Oprah is a litte crazy because she invited her audience on a little trip to…Australia! All those 300 women went crazy of course!  Maybe she can also invite us? I mean….if you spend that much money, you can buy 3 extra tickets easily. Especially when the Australian government pays all the costs. What a amazing marketing-gig is that, huh?

End of my thought.

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