Time to party @ RAUW!

It’s raw, it’s crazy, it’s a party how we like it! For its next edition RAUW takes a little sideway to fashion. Resident DJ Joost van Bellen (the mustached man) makes a lot of mixes for the fashionshows during AIFW and many international fashionshows, so obviously inbetween Paris Haute Couture and Berlin Fashion week, he will spin the records on July 9. But…also Andre J (the bearded man), Larry Tee (think RuPaul’s hit ‘Supermodel’, or Perez Hilton’s hit ‘My Penis’) and the OddWord (hot guys from Belgium), will make their appearance @ RAUW.

Want to be part of the action? Then quickly purchase your tickets via the RAUW website.

Digitalista K. is going to have a look and pull on Andre J’s beard to see if it’s real and sing along with one of  Larry Tee’s genius songs: ”Work-turn to the left- Work -now turn to the right, Sachez chantez! It don’t matter what you wear, they’re not checking out your savoir-faire, it don’t matter what you do, ‘cause everything looks good on you…Supermodel!!”

You can practice watching the video below. See you there?

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